The Present is a Gift: Why I Don’t Use Tarot to Predict the Future

The Present is a Gift: Why I Don’t Use Tarot to Predict the Future

Learn why predicting the future with tarot might not be the best approach and how embracing the now can lead to profound personal growth.

I'd like to share a perspective that's core to my practice: why I don't use tarot to predict the future. This might seem counterintuitive to some, given tarot's mystical reputation, but trust me, there’s wisdom in looking at things from a different angle. Let’s dive into this thought-provoking topic together.

Stepping Away from the Present

Imagine you're on a scenic hike, each step taking you through lush forests and over sparkling streams. Now, what if you spent the entire hike staring at a distant mountain peak through binoculars? You'd miss the beauty around you, the lessons the journey offers. Not only that, but you'd most likely stumble and fall at every opportunity. This is what happens when we fixate on the future. Tarot isn't about gazing into a crystal ball to see what's ahead. Instead, it’s about exploring the terrain we're currently navigating.

Projecting ourselves into a potential future takes us out of the present moment. We become so focused on what might be that we miss the lessons and opportunities that are right in front of us. The present is where life happens; it’s where we grow, learn, and evolve. By anchoring ourselves in the now, we can harness the full potential of our experiences.

The Answers Lie Within

The human mind is a treasure trove of insights and wisdom, often buried beneath the surface of our conscious thoughts. Think of your subconscious as a deep, still lake, with tarot serving as a mirror reflecting its hidden depths. The answers we seek are already within us, often waiting to be discovered through introspection and self-awareness.

When we look to tarot for future predictions, we bypass this invaluable self-reflection. Tarot helps us recognize what’s holding us back and illuminates the path forward. By focusing on the present, we allow tarot to guide us toward understanding and overcoming our current challenges.

The Power of Now

Living in the present doesn’t mean ignoring the future; it means understanding that the seeds of tomorrow are planted in the soil of today. By nurturing our present selves, we ensure a more fruitful future. Tarot is a tool for this nurturing process, providing clarity and guidance for our current path.

When we stop seeking future predictions, we start appreciating the here and now. We become more attuned to our inner wisdom and the lessons life offers at this moment. This mindfulness allows us to make informed decisions, align with our true selves, and ultimately fulfill our potential.

Responsibility and Autonomy

Using tarot to predict the future implies that we have no responsibility for our actions, suggesting that everything is pre-determined and beyond our control. This mindset can undermine our sense of autonomy, making us feel like passive participants in our own lives. Instead, I believe that we have the power to shape our destinies through our choices and actions. Tarot should empower us to take responsibility for our lives, encouraging us to actively engage with the present and make decisions that lead to personal growth and fulfillment.

My Personal Approach

It's important to note that these views are solely my own. I’m not suggesting that those who use tarot to predict the future are wrong. There’s no right or wrong way to read or use the tarot; this is just my personal style and belief. Tarot is a versatile tool, and everyone has their unique approach to it. My focus on the present is what resonates with me and my practice.


So, the next time you find yourself yearning to peek into the future, remember that the present is a gift. It holds all the answers you seek and the potential for profound growth and discovery. Let tarot be your guide through the now, helping you navigate it with wisdom and grace. Remember, this present moment is where true transformation begins, and it all starts with the first step—here and now.

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