Personal Reflections

If tarot cards were fairground attractions, the Wheel of Fortune would be the merry-go-round – except instead of painted horses, we're riding the ups and downs of life itself.

When this card spins into your reading, it's as if the universe is tapping you on the shoulder and saying, "Heads up, change is coming!" Now, before you start battening down the hatches or planning a parade, remember: change is neutral. It's our perception that paints it as good or bad.

The Wheel of Fortune reminds us that life is cyclical. Just as the wheel turns, so do our fortunes. Having a streak of bad luck? The wheel will turn. On top of the world? Enjoy the view, but remember, what goes up must come down. It's not about being pessimistic or optimistic, but rather realistic and adaptable.

Think of it like British weather: one moment it's pouring rain, the next, the sun's peeking through the clouds. The Wheel of Fortune is telling us to always keep a brolly handy, but don't forget the sunscreen either.

But here's the kicker: while the Wheel of Fortune speaks of fate and cycles beyond our control, it doesn't mean we're merely passengers on this cosmic carousel. Oh no, we're not just along for the ride. We're more like those plucky kids at the fair who try to grab the brass ring as they whirl by. The wheel may turn of its own accord, but how we respond to its movements? That's entirely up to us.

When the Wheel of Fortune shows up upright, it's often heralding a time of change and opportunity. It's like the universe has hit the 'shuffle' button on your life playlist. Unexpected doors may open, serendipitous encounters might occur, and suddenly, you find yourself with options you never imagined. The key is to stay alert and be ready to seize these moments when they arise.

But what about when the Wheel shows up reversed? Well, it's not all doom and gloom, even if it might feel that way. A reversed Wheel might be suggesting that you're trying to pedal against the current. It's like trying to push a revolving door the wrong way – you're expending a lot of energy, but you're not getting anywhere. The reversal is often a gentle (or sometimes not-so-gentle) nudge to let go, to stop resisting the natural flow of change.

Remember, the Wheel doesn't just turn once and call it a day. Life is a constant series of cycles, of endings and new beginnings. The Wheel of Fortune reminds us to take the long view. Having a tough time? This too shall pass. Riding high? Enjoy it, but don't get too comfortable.

In essence, the Wheel of Fortune is a call to embrace change, to cultivate adaptability, and to trust in the process of life. It's an invitation to let go of the illusion of control and instead focus on how we respond to the ever-changing circumstances of our lives.

So the next time the Wheel of Fortune spins into your reading, take a deep breath. Change is coming, yes, but with it comes opportunity. Will you be ready to grab that brass ring? The wheel is turning – what will you make of it?

  • When the Wheel of Fortune appears, it often signals a significant change or turning point in the querent's life
  • This card reminds us of the cyclical nature of life and the importance of adaptability
  • The Wheel can indicate a stroke of luck or a sudden opportunity
  • In career readings, it might suggest a change in job or a shift in professional circumstances
  • The Wheel of Fortune encourages us to trust in the process of life, even when we can't see the whole picture


  • The Wheel: Cycles of life, karma, the ups and downs of existence
  • The Sphinx: Wisdom and riddles, the enigmatic nature of fate
  • The Snake: Kundalini energy, wisdom gained through experience
  • The Anubis figure: Guarding the underworld, cycles of death and rebirth
  • The four figures in the corners: The four fixed signs of the zodiac (Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo, Taurus), representing stability amidst change

Historical Background

The Wheel of Fortune has been a consistent presence in tarot decks since their inception. Its imagery often draws from medieval concepts of Fortuna's Wheel, a symbol used to represent the capricious nature of fate. In many early decks, the wheel was depicted with human figures rising and falling, illustrating the ups and downs of fortune.


  • The Wheel of Fortune + The Tower: Sudden, unexpected changes that shake up the status quo
  • The Wheel of Fortune + The Magician: Taking advantage of changing circumstances through personal action
  • The Wheel of Fortune + The Hermit: A period of reflection or withdrawal during times of change
  • The Wheel of Fortune + The Star: Hope and optimism during times of transition

Be Aware of...

  • The querent's current life circumstances and their readiness for change
  • Any patterns or cycles that may be repeating in the querent's life
  • The querent's attitude towards change and their ability to adapt
  • Potential opportunities that may be arising, even if they're not immediately apparent
  • The temporary nature of both good and bad fortune
  • The importance of timing and being prepared to act when opportunities present themselves
  • The querent's belief in fate versus their sense of personal agency

Exercises and Meditations

  1. What cycles or patterns do I notice repeating in my life?
  2. How do I typically respond to unexpected changes? How might I improve my adaptability?
  3. What opportunities am I currently overlooking?
  4. How can I better prepare myself for the inevitable changes life brings?
  5. In what areas of my life do I need to let go and trust the process?
  6. How has a past experience of "bad luck" eventually led to positive outcomes?
  7. What can I learn from the current phase of my life's cycle?

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