Narcissism in Tarot (Part 2): Recognizing Traits in Others and Navigating Relationships and Abuse

Narcissism in Tarot (Part 2): Recognizing Traits in Others and Navigating Relationships and Abuse


Discover how tarot can illuminate the complex dynamics of narcissistic relationships. Learn to recognize narcissistic traits in others, understand the patterns of narcissistic abuse, and explore strategies for protection and healing. This comprehensive guide offers practical advice, tarot spreads, and resources for those navigating the challenging terrain of relationships with narcissistic individuals.

In Part 1 of this series on narcissism, we explored how tarot can help us recognize and address narcissistic traits within ourselves. If you haven't already read it, I'd suggest to start there to learn about the traits of extreme narcissism, the root causes, and the tarot cards that are most closely associated with narcissism. Now, let's turn our attention outward, examining how tarot can assist us in identifying narcissistic patterns in others and navigating these complex, often challenging relationships.

The Challenge of Recognizing Narcissism in Others

Identifying narcissistic traits in others can be a tricky business. Often, what initially draws us to a person - their charisma, confidence, or charm - may be the very traits that mask deeper narcissistic tendencies. It's like being dazzled by the sun, only to realize later that you've been squinting the whole time.

Before we shuffle our decks, let's remind ourselves of a few key points:

  1. Remember that narcissism exists on a spectrum. Not everyone who displays narcissistic traits has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).
  2. Our goal isn't to diagnose or label others, but to gain insight into relationship dynamics that may be causing us distress, and understand when we might be subject to narcissistic behaviors and abuse.
  3. Tarot is a tool for reflection and insight, not a definitive judge of character. Always combine tarot insights with real-world observations and, when necessary, professional advice.

It's crucial to reiterate that a certain degree of narcissism can be healthy and even necessary for survival and success. Healthy narcissism allows us to have confidence in our abilities, set appropriate boundaries, and pursue our goals with conviction.

However, narcissism becomes problematic when it strays into sustained and consistent delusions of grandeur, lack of empathy, and exploitative behavior. This is where we begin to see the harmful effects on relationships and individuals.

In tarot, this spectrum might be represented by the continuum from the upright Sun (healthy self-esteem) to the reversed Sun (inflated ego and excessive self-focus).

It's important to note that while anyone can exhibit narcissistic traits, these behaviors become particularly toxic and manipulative in relationships with inherent power dynamics. This includes boss-employee relationships, parent-child dynamics, or romantic partnerships where one partner holds more social, financial, or emotional power. In these contexts, the impact of narcissistic behavior can be especially damaging and difficult to escape.

Understanding Narcissistic Abuse

Narcissistic abuse is a form of emotional and psychological abuse that can be particularly insidious and damaging. Importantly, these behaviors are often difficult to spot by all but those closest to the narcissist. To the outside world, they may appear charming, accommodating, and even generous. It's typically only when they feel humiliated or embarrassed that the mask begins to slip.

Narcissistic relationships often follow a prescribed pattern. Here's a typical progression, along with tarot cards that might signify each stage:

  1. Love Bombing (The Sun, Ten of Cups): Excessive attention and affection early in a relationship.
  2. Idealization (The Lovers, Nine of Cups): The narcissist puts their partner on a pedestal.
  3. Devaluation (Five of Swords, Nine of Swords): Cruel criticism, name-calling, and belittling.
  4. Gaslighting (The Moon, Seven of Cups): Making the victim question their own reality or memories.
  5. Discarding (Tower, Three of Swords): Abruptly ending the relationship or withdrawing affection.
  6. Hoovering (Six of Cups reversed, The Devil): Attempts to draw the victim back into the relationship cycle.

Other common tactics include:

  • Manipulation (Seven of Swords): Using guilt, shame, or other tactics to control the victim.
  • Triangulation (Three of Cups reversed): Bringing a third party into the relationship to create jealousy or insecurity.

In tarot readings, recurring themes of confusion (The Moon), feeling trapped (Eight of Swords), or emotional turmoil (Five of Cups, Three of Swords) might indicate the presence of narcissistic abuse.

Narcissistic Supply and Empathetic Targets

Narcissists often seek out empathetic individuals as sources of "narcissistic supply" - the attention, admiration, and emotional energy they crave. This creates a toxic dynamic where the empathetic person's kindness and understanding are exploited to feed the narcissist's ego.

In tarot, this dynamic might be represented by cards like The Emperor (representing the narcissist's need for control) paired with the Queen of Cups or the Six of Pentacles (representing the empathetic person's giving nature).

Recognizing Patterns: A Tarot Spread for Relationship Dynamics

Here's a spread to help you explore the dynamics of a relationship where you suspect narcissistic tendencies:

  1. The nature of the relationship (overall energy)
  2. Your role in the relationship
  3. Their role in the relationship
  4. Hidden aspects of their behavior
  5. How this relationship affects your well-being
  6. The nature of the 'supply' in this relationship
  7. Guidance for moving forward

Red Flags and Warning Signs

When interpreting your spread, watch for cards or combinations that might indicate:

  • Imbalance of power (e.g., The Emperor with the Nine of Wands)
  • Manipulation or gaslighting (e.g., The Moon with the Seven of Swords)
  • Lack of empathy (e.g., King of Swords reversed)
  • Excessive self-focus (e.g., The Sun reversed with the Four of Cups)

Protecting Yourself: Beyond Boundary Setting

While setting boundaries is important, it's crucial to understand that individuals with severe narcissistic tendencies often view boundaries as a challenge to their control. This is due to their deep-seated insecurity and need for constant validation. When faced with boundaries, a narcissist may escalate their manipulative behaviors in an attempt to regain control.

Given this, strategies that limit engagement and protect your emotional well-being are often more effective. Here are some approaches, along with their tarot card associations:

  1. Grey Rocking (Four of Swords): This involves becoming as uninteresting and unresponsive as possible to limit the narcissistic supply. The Four of Swords represents retreat, rest, and minimal engagement - perfect for the grey rock technique.
  2. Limited Contact or No Contact (The Hermit): If possible, reducing or eliminating contact can be the most effective way to protect yourself. The Hermit embodies this approach, representing solitude and withdrawal for self-protection and healing.
  3. Building a Support Network (Three of Cups): Surrounding yourself with supportive friends and family can provide emotional resilience. The Three of Cups represents community and supportive relationships.
  4. Self-Care and Healing (The Star): Prioritizing your own well-being is crucial. The Star card symbolizes hope, healing, and renewal.

The psychology behind these strategies is rooted in understanding the narcissist's need for supply. By limiting their access to your emotional energy and reactions, you reduce their power over you and create space for your own healing.

Healing and Moving Forward: A Journey of Recovery

Recovering from narcissistic abuse is a complex and often challenging journey. Here are some concrete steps to help you on your path to healing:

  1. Acknowledge the Abuse: The first step is recognizing and accepting that you've experienced abuse. This can be difficult, especially if you've been gaslighted, but it's crucial for moving forward.
  2. Educate Yourself: Learn about narcissistic abuse and its effects. Understanding what you've been through can help validate your experiences and emotions.
  3. Implement No Contact or Low Contact: If possible, cut off or significantly reduce contact with the narcissist. This includes blocking them on social media and avoiding places they frequent.
  4. Seek Professional Help: A therapist, particularly one experienced in narcissistic abuse recovery, can provide invaluable support and guidance.
  5. Practice Self-Care: Prioritize your physical and emotional well-being. This might include exercise, meditation, journaling, or any activity that brings you joy and peace.
  6. Rebuild Your Self-Esteem: Narcissistic abuse often erodes self-worth. Engage in positive self-talk, set achievable goals, and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small.
  7. Establish Healthy Boundaries: Learn to set and maintain firm boundaries in all your relationships. Remember, it's okay to say no.
  8. Connect with Support Systems: Reach out to trusted friends and family, or join support groups for survivors of narcissistic abuse.
  9. Be Patient with Yourself: Healing is not linear. There will be good days and bad days. Be gentle with yourself throughout the process.
  10. Reclaim Your Identity: Rediscover your passions, values, and goals that may have been suppressed during the abusive relationship.

As you progress on your healing journey, tarot can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and guidance. Here's a spread to help you focus your recovery efforts:

  1. Current emotional state
  2. A lingering effect of the narcissistic relationship I need to address
  3. A strength I can draw upon for healing
  4. A limiting belief I need to challenge
  5. A practical step I can take towards healing
  6. What embracing self-compassion looks like for me
  7. Potential outcome of my healing journey

When interpreting this spread, look for cards like The Star, The Sun (upright), or the Ten of Cups for guidance and hope in your healing process. The Six of Swords can indicate moving towards calmer waters, while the Eight of Cups might suggest it's time to walk away from what no longer serves you.

When to Seek Professional Help

While tarot can provide valuable insights, it's important to recognize when professional help is needed. If you're experiencing severe emotional distress, feelings of hopelessness, or any form of emotional of physical abuse, please seek help from a qualified mental health professional or domestic abuse service.

Compassion, Awareness, and Self-Care

As we navigate relationships with individuals who may have narcissistic traits, it's crucial to maintain a balance of compassion and self-protection. Tarot can help us gain clarity, but it's our actions in the real world that ultimately shape our relationships and ensure our well-being.

It's important to acknowledge that when suffering from sustained narcissistic abuse (or any kind of abuse), compassion for ourselves can become incredibly difficult. We may find ourselves sympathizing with our abusers, believing their gaslighting, and even becoming our own tormentors. This is a common response to abuse, often referred to as Stockholm syndrome. Remember, your feelings are valid. Regardless of who inflicted the abuse or what form it took, you deserve better. You deserve love, respect, and kindness - especially from yourself.

As you continue your tarot practice and healing journey, strive for understanding and growth, but above all, prioritize your own emotional and psychological well-being. You are worthy of healthy, fulfilling relationships - with others and with yourself.

In our exploration of narcissism through tarot, we've journeyed from self-reflection to understanding others, and finally to healing and self-compassion. May these insights serve as a lantern, illuminating the path towards a future filled with genuine connections and self-love.

Useful Resources

If you or someone you know is experiencing narcissistic abuse, here are some resources that may help:

Further Reading

For those interested in deepening their understanding of narcissism and its impact on relationships, here are some recommended books:

Remember, while these resources can be helpful, they are not substitutes for professional help. Always seek support from qualified mental health professionals when dealing with abuse or trauma.

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