Tarot for Two: Enhancing and Healing Romantic Relationships

Tarot for Two: Enhancing and Healing Romantic Relationships

Let's look at how to use tarot as a powerful tool for enhancing romantic relationships: From improving communication to navigating challenges, this article will guide you through practical exercises and spreads designed to deepen your connection with your partner.

By now, we're well aware of all the profound insights that tarot can have over the various aspects of our lives (and if not, welcome to the Tarot Therapy blog, that's what we're all about!). But did you know that as well as using it for personal development, we can also use tarot to improve our relationships? Let's explore how tarot can enhance understanding, improve communication, and deepen the connection with your partner.

Using Tarot as a Communication Tool with Your Partner

When it comes to matters of the heart, sometimes we need a little help articulating our thoughts and feelings. This is where tarot can shine, serving as a bridge for communication between you and your partner.

Before we get into it, it's crucial to emphasize the importance of consent in these practices. Always ensure your partner is comfortable and willing to participate in tarot exercises related to your relationship. This isn't just about politeness; it's about avoiding making assumptions about your partner's needs, wants, or feelings without their input. Remember, the goal is to open lines of communication, not to 'read' your partner without their involvement. For more on ethical considerations in tarot practice, check out our article on Tarot Etiquette and Ethics.

Now, let's look at some exercises you can try together:

Exercise 1: Understanding Each Other

  1. Both of you focus on your relationship as you shuffle the cards.
  2. Draw three cards each, representing:
    1. How you view yourself in the relationship
    2. How you view your partner
    3. What you believe the relationship needs
  3. Discuss each card, sharing your interpretations and listening to your partner's perspective.

Exercise 2: Addressing a Specific Issue

If you need to discuss a sensitive topic, try this spread:

  1. The core issue (from your perspective)
  2. Your partner's potential perspective
  3. Common ground
  4. Potential solution

For both these exercises, remember that a deep knowledge of tarot card meanings isn't necessary. The goal here isn't to be the most accurate tarot reader, but to use the cards as prompts for meaningful conversation. Start by looking at the image on the card and sharing what you intuitively feel it might represent in the context of your relationship. What emotions does it evoke? What story does it seem to tell?

After you've shared your initial impressions, you can look up the traditional meaning of the card if you wish. This might add another layer to your interpretation, or it might not resonate at all - and that's perfectly fine. The important thing is the dialogue that emerges. For more information and exercises for developing your intuition in tarot reading, check out my article on Intuition in Tarot.

When sharing insights, remember to be respectful and open. Present your interpretations as possibilities, not certainties. "The Five of Wands came up, which makes me wonder if we're experiencing some conflict or competition in our relationship. How does that sit with you?" is much better than "The cards say we're being argumentative!"

Self-Reflection: Using Tarot to Understand Your Role in the Relationship

While understanding your partner is crucial, it's equally important to turn the mirror on yourself. Use tarot to examine your own behaviours and patterns in the relationship. Here's a spread to help you reflect on your role:

  1. My primary strength in this relationship
  2. A challenge I bring to the relationship
  3. A fear or insecurity I need to address
  4. An aspect of myself I need to nurture for the relationship to thrive
  5. How I can better support my partner
  6. An action I can take to improve our connection

This spread can offer valuable insights into your contribution to the relationship dynamics. For example, if you draw the Empress for your primary strength, it might highlight your nurturing and supportive nature. If the Tower appears as a challenge you bring, it could indicate that your tendency towards dramatic changes or upheavals might be unsettling for your partner.

Remember, the point of this exercise is not to judge yourself, but to gain awareness. Every card, even those that seem challenging, offers an opportunity for growth and improvement in your relationship.

Relationship Dynamics: Tarot Spreads for Couples

Here's a simple spread for understanding your current relationship energy:

  1. You
  2. Your partner
  3. The relationship itself
  4. Challenges
  5. Strengths
  6. Potential for growth

This spread can offer a snapshot of where you are as a couple, highlighting areas of harmony and potential friction points.

For those looking to explore future possibilities, try this spread:

  1. Current state of the relationship
  2. Upcoming challenges
  3. Opportunities for growth
  4. Potential outcome if you embrace growth
  5. Advice for moving forward

Remember, these cards aren't predicting an inevitable future, but rather highlighting potential paths and opportunities for growth.

Navigating Challenges: Tarot for Conflict Resolution

When conflicts arise, tarot can help you gain perspective. Try drawing a card each for:

  1. Your perspective
  2. Your partner's perspective
  3. What you're both overlooking

This can help you see the bigger picture and find common ground, potentially revealing aspects of the situation that neither of you had considered.

Nurturing Love: Tarot for Relationship Growth

Relationships require regular nurturing. Use tarot to identify areas for growth. Draw a card asking, "How can we deepen our connection this week?" The Three of Cups might suggest socialising together, while the Four of Swords could indicate you both need some quiet time to recharge.

For keeping the romance alive, try this spread:

  1. Current romantic energy
  2. How to spark more romance
  3. A new experience to try together
  4. Potential outcome of prioritising romance

Setting Boundaries and Ground Rules

When using tarot in your relationship, it's important to establish some ground rules:

  1. Respect each other's boundaries. If a topic feels too sensitive, it's okay to pause or stop the reading.
  2. Agree on privacy. Decide whether what's discussed during these sessions stays between you two or if it's okay to share with others.
  3. Keep an open mind. Remember, the goal is understanding, not "winning" or proving a point.
  4. Take breaks if needed. Emotional discussions can be draining. It's okay to step away and return to the conversation later.
  5. Follow up. After a tarot session, check in with each other about any insights or feelings that have come up.
  6. Seek professional help if needed. While tarot can be a helpful tool, it's not a substitute for couples therapy or counseling if deeper issues arise.

By setting these boundaries, you create a safe space for open, honest communication, making your tarot practice a positive tool for your relationship.


Tarot can be a powerful ally in your quest for romantic harmony, offering insights, sparking conversations, and sometimes providing a much-needed change in perspective. It's a unique tool that can help you and your partner navigate the complex terrain of your relationship with greater understanding and empathy.

So, why not crack out your deck and try one of the exercises above? You might just find that tarot holds the key to unlocking deeper levels of connection and understanding in your relationship. And remember, whether you're interpreting the Lovers card or figuring out whose turn it is to do the dishes, the most important things in any relationship are open communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to grow together.

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Let's look at how to use tarot as a powerful tool for enhancing romantic relationships: From improving communication to navigating challenges, this article will guide you through practical exercises and spreads designed to deepen your connection with your partner.