Watercolor image of a beautiful woman: She looks on serenely as tarot cards show her life story
Navigating life's journey
with the wisdom of tarot

Tarot Therapy: Your Guide to Self-Discovery

You have questions—Tarot Therapy helps you to find the answers. My sessions go beyond simple card readings, offering a space for meaningful reflection and personal growth. You'll gain a fresh perspective on your life, empowering you to navigate challenges with confidence. I believe that true insight comes from within, and my role is to help you access that inner wisdom. Through a combination of tarot symbolism and thoughtful dialogue, we'll explore your unique situation and uncover the path forward.

Don't wait to start your journey of self-discovery, book your Tarot Therapy session now.

New Beginnings

Embrace the journey ahead with an open heart and mind. The Fool represents new beginnings and encourages you to take a leap of faith, opening yourself up to new opportunities and experiences.

Inner Wisdom

Delve into deep self-reflection and uncover your inner wisdom. The Hermit guides you to seek solitude and introspection, helping you find clarity and insight from within.

Insightful Conversations

Engage in meaningful dialogue that unlocks deep insights. Tarot sessions are designed to foster authentic conversations, sparking new ideas and reflections.

Why Choose
Tarot Therapy?

A session with Tarot Therapy is a unique experience crafted to guide you towards profound self-understanding and personal growth. Dive deep into your soul, uncover the patterns that hold you back, and unlock the power to navigate life's challenges with clarity and confidence.

Comprehensive Readings

We explore every aspect of your query or subject matter, ensuring a thorough and insightful experience.

Personalized Insights

We focus on your unique needs and goals, providing advice that resonates with your personal journey.

Active Engagement

We encourage open dialogue and interaction, creating a collaborative space where you feel heard and understood.

Authentic Connections

My readings are genuine and human, ensuring a real connection with my clients.

Empathetic Approach

I provide a safe and supportive environment where you can explore your thoughts and feelings openly.

Respectful Support

I honor your individuality and respect your choices, working alongside you to discover your own path.

The direction and focus of your session is
entirely up to you.

Whether you seek insights into your patterns in interpersonal relationships,
clarity about your career path,
or guidance for important life decisions,
Tarot Therapy is here to illuminate the way.

Hi, I'm Rufus White, an experienced tarot practitioner based in Ibiza. For two decades, this enchanting island has inspired my practice. Its vibrant energies infuse my readings, offering a unique and authentic experience.

My tarot journey is rooted in personal introspection and guidance. I embrace a secular tarot style, approaching readings with an open mind and a commitment to providing insights without the constraints of specific spiritual or religious beliefs. In each reading, my goal is to foster a safe space for open dialogue and exploration, where any topic can be discussed authentically without judgement.

With years of experience and countless readings, I provide clarity and guidance. Each reading is a journey of self-discovery, illuminating your path. I combine traditional spreads with my unique approach to offer perspective on your past, clarity for the present, and hope for the future.

Feel free to reach out—I'm excited to explore your journey through tarot.

Book your

Simply choose a date and time that matches your needs and availability, complete the payment information and I'll get straight back to you with a confirmation of your booking and information on how to prepare for your session.

Available appointments on :

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